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I am a commited child of God who vows to keep doing what is right before the eyes of the almighty. I am from a family of nine and I am proud of that. my parents are both unemployed but God deliverd them through all their needs.

The History or Story Behind My Site
Depending on the topic of my site, I could include historical information about my subject. For example, if my site is about my business, I could discuss how my business got started. If my site is about a sports team, music group, movie star, or my family, I could chronologically list or summarize major events important to my topic.

Read This It Might Spice You Up
And the Lord said...
A man, down on his luck, went into a church which catered to the "pity". Spotting the man's dirty cloths, a deacon, worried about the churches image, went to the man and asked him if he needed help. The man said, "I was praying and the Lord told me to come to this church." The deacon suggested that the man go pray some more and possibly he might get a different answer. The next Sunday the man returned. The deacon asked, "Did you get a different answer?" The man replied, "Yes I did. I told the Lord that they don't want me in that church and the Lord said, 'Don't worry about it son; I've been trying to get into that church for years and haven't made it yet."

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